Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is TripleClicks ?

What is TripleClicks

If you are wondering “What is TripleClicks” it is the latest service offered by SFI that is very similar to eBay.

The next question is why would anyone want to list with TripleClicks vs. eBay?

from the FAQs at…

Q: Why should I list my items for sale at TripleClicks and not somewhere else?
Here are SEVEN big reasons:

1. We don’t believe that selling something online should be complicated. Unlike some similar services, listing and selling items at TripleClicks is quick, simple, and easy.

2. TripleClicks listings don’t expire. Most auctions give you seven days to list your item AND charge you whether your item sells or not. At TripleClicks, you can list your item for as long as it takes, without any additional fees.

3. We don’t think you should get “nickeled and dimed to death” either. The cost to list an item at TripleClicks is as little as just 19 cents. There’s no other cost of any kind if you spend your sales proceeds on other products at TripleClicks and only a nominal charge to receive your proceeds in cash. That’s it. There are no hidden fees or “gotcha” charges.

4. TripleClicks is designed to give you the largest audience possible. When you list an item for sale at TripleClicks, the audience of prospective buyers is truly worldwide.

5. At TripleClicks we really want to see your items sell…and sell fast. Hence, we give you ample room and features to present and describe your items–up to 700 words and up to three photos, all for the cost of just one credit (as little as 19 cents)!

6. We handle all payments for you, so you don’t have to hassle with risky online transactions with strangers. TripleClicks facilitates a safe and secure transaction, as we act as an escrow between the buyer and seller, ensuring a smoother, reliable transaction in which you get paid and the buyer gets what he or she ordered. We also provide buyers with a wide variety of payment options, and more payment options means more sale opportunities for you.

7. TripleClicks is powered by SFI Marketing Group, one of the world’s largest affiliate networks with over 100,000 affiliates in more than 190 countries around the world. SFI’s thousands of affiliates are continually promoting TripleClicks and generating fresh, new prospective buyers.

As SFI recently announced This is a great start for our flagship store, and we’ve only just begun. There are a ton of exciting features coming, plus the E-Commerce Associate Program and hundreds of thousands of new products. TripleClicks has a very, very bright future ahead of it!

Remember people said that no one needed a new search engine before Google, a new browser before Firefox etc.

Get in on the ground floor and start selling your products.

Set what its all about at

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